Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rainforest things

I have after a lot of struggling finished my rainforest dragon. It has a few mistakes, but it is my first piece of figurative work, and I am quite pleased with the way it looks.

With the left over rainforest thread I made "Aladdin" with rainbow bright for the second row, in the same way as Pamela did.


Unknown said...

Is that a fire-breathing dragon?...or does the red thread represent a "forked tongue"? LOL!
Love the snowflake. I did get Jon's book, but I have yet to tat a snowflake. I've been busy tatting pumpkins, whew...done with that tho' and I'll be back to snowflakes soon! Always fun to see the latest tatting projects, thanks for sharing.

Jane Eborall said...

Love the dragon and the snowflake too. Great sense of colour combo in that.

Tatskool said...

Love the green variegated in your Aladdin. Works really well with Rainbow Bright.

Jeff Hamilton said...

Both your dragon and snowflake look amazing. Mistakes or not, you did a great job on the dragon. Rainforest is a good choice for a dragon.

Tattycat said...

The dragon is great. I don't see any mistakes! I love the snowflake too. Rainbow Bright is delicious.

Katherine said...

Thank you all for your encouragement. Tattingchic, I don't exactly know myself what the red thread is, but I felt the dragon needed a touch of colour, and she suggests adding a bit of thread to the mouth in the pattern...
The thing with it was, 80 is really difficult to unpick, so I just go with any mistakes, and try to remedy later, and I found it quite a difficult pattern to follow, although I could probably do a second one more easily! I was thinking about trying one of Jane's geckos, they have always appealed to me, but I am doing a couple of motifs first.

Shay said...

Snowy, your dragon looks well-engineered and I mean that as a compliment. He's structurally sound and looks as though he really could fly!