Anyway, here are a few bits from the previous month.
First, a lilac square from Mary Konior's book.

A little brown square from A Tatter's Workbook.

This was the beginning of a square from Iris' book, but I didn't like the colour of the thread...sort of bilious, I felt, so I gave up.

And then I discovered that the man's eldest son and his girlfriend are expecting a baby, so I decided to have a go at the bootees as shown by Pamela...not knowing what sex the offspring might be I chose black, well, it goes with everything doesn't it? Mmm, I have been getting a lot of "Black is not really suitable for babies" feedback, but as I am bound to make too many mistakes I am carrying on regardless, this will just be a prototype.

What's with "the man"? is this some kind of in-joke, or are you suddenly full of disdain for The Man? haha...
How come your profile isn't available? I hate that, and generally I don't answer people who have "hidden" profiles...but you seem nice so I'll make an exception!
No I'm just being...silly about The Man, you know, he says something and I start wondering whether to pack, but it's ok really.
Black bootees will be very striking, looking forward to seeing them finished.
Your squares are turning our really nice. I like the lavender one especially. As for the black baby booties -- good for you. Babies are so pale they need some strong colors. I just wouldn't make 'em black because I find it harder to see the stitches.
Thank you Pamela and Marty for your encouraging comments, and I hope to be able to show you some progress soon. I was like you, Pamela, and hadn't straight away realised that the photo wasn't relevant, so I was glad to be able to refer to your posts to keep me on track. (But now it won't go in the scanner!)
You'll just have to get out the camera, we NEED to see!
Your tatting is looking quite good.
Your lavender square is my favorite. The booties would look very striking with pink socks underneath if it were a girl with just the right outfit on.
What will you do with all these squares? I really like the greenish/orange thread....that square looks very pretty.
Anyhow, have fun with the booties...can't wait to see them finished! You can always put a pink or blue ribbon on the booties...I think that would be very striking!
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